Originally published on Steam

After an hour and a half, I think it’s safe to say this is a funny game. It starts by putting your character on top of an airplane with an RPG to shoot out air defense systems like some sort of insane barnstorming terrorist. But the line that got me was when I accidentally baled out of a car, watched it shoot off a cliff and the protagonist said, “A perfect parking spot!” The gameplay mechanics seem ripe for goofy fun. I enjoyed shooting a cable at a billboard I was tasked to destroy and attaching the other end of the cable to a truck. It’s almost like Spiderman meets American Graffiti.

I’m less certain the story or the quest lines will keep my interest for long. Funny doesn’t always mean fun. Also, I get the impression some of the early scenarios are supposed to be more funny than they actually are for me. Still, worth picking up in a sale or whatnot.