(Originally published on meta Stack Exchange by Jon Ericson.)

Welcome to the Unicorn Meta Zoo, a podcast by members of the Stack Exchange community team. If you want to avoid spoilers, jump straight to the audio.


hairboat Juan M Jon Ericson

We’re talking about whether or not there is such a thing as a bad question and how we might detect one if it exists.


Some users have generously volunteered to transcribe episodes on the podcast wiki. I’m extremely grateful for users who helped fill in most of the previous episode’s transcript:

  • grooveplex
  • ocæon
  • MilkyWay90


It was my turn to host and I think I’m not overly biased when I say that Abby and Juan do a much better job in that role. For one thing, I was pretty anxious that we’d end the recording before we ran out of things to talk about. Not entirely unrelated: I say the word “template” in a weird way.

It didn’t make the recording, but Abby started talking to her cat right after we said goodbye.

What do you think?

Take a listen and respond in the answers below.

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